Menata kembali


2015, sudah lewat tanpa sebuah ceritapun tertulis di sini. Salahkan saya, karena sepertinya saya tak ingin berbagi cerita denganmu. Walau sebenarnya ada banyak cerita yang seharusnya kubagikan denganmu, entah mengapa tak ada niat untuk menuliskan cerita untukmu. Hasilnya? ya, tak ada satu pun cerita di tahun 2015 ini untukmu.

Let me give you a quick update.
1. I graduated and now responsible to the PhD title. Yeah, after 6 years grumbling about it, finally 12th December 2014 I passed the thesis defense, 22nd Feb 2015, my name was called in the commemoration ceremony as a PhD.



2. After 6 months looking for job, I was accepted in a small company in Anyang, still in Korea, but like the suburban of Seoul. Not too bad I guess. Just have to ‘eat my heart’ every time have an argument with my Boss. haha.

Yeah, that what’s new about me now. Almost 6 months working in the company, the urge to go back to Indonesia is getting bigger. It looks like I am forgetting my dreams to wander somewhere before going back to Indonesia. So I’m trying to get it back together recently, to see where will I end up next. Menata ulang lah, mimpi-mimpi, harapan, hati, cinta, all of them. 🙂

Anyway, good to see you again.
Hope, I will give you more update about me in the future.

So see ya..

It’s me


Categories: Sepenggal Kisah | 4 Comments


Nah, almost 8 months hiatus. Just to fill the blank.

It’s me

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Being so uncertain

Hi there friend,

It’s been 3 months huh? Okay this post will be short and simple.
Just want to make this blog still has some stories to continue. Recently, I have the feeling so uncertain about what to do after this study over. I always tell people that I will probably find job here in Korea, but part of me still not sure where to go. This feeling sure affects me on how I work with my papers and dissertation. One paper is finished but still not submitted; ‘high end’ is still busy, second paper still no writing progress, dissertation still has to wait the sign from the ‘high end’. Not to tell, the high and low of ‘heart’ pumping rate, still no progress. Seems so uncertain.

It’s me.

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2 weeks of new year!

Hola my friend, ~~ howdy!

It’s been a long time since my last story about my journey. I think it’s obvious that I am to lazy to write it down, or maybe I don’t really want to share it. hehehe. Anyway, today is the 14th day of this year, so it means 2 weeks has passed and needs another 50 weeks to finish 2014 and then go to 2015. Still long to go if we count it, but short if we just pass it every week. Truth!. What I want to say is though 2 weeks has passed but my works are not going anywhere, still stagnant since last year. Giving the time, I should have done at least finish writing one paper and should have started to write the second paper. Since the first paper has been started ages ago, all I have to do is to revise the mathematical model and compare the experiment result with the simulation result. However, all I have done now still wandering around this mathematical model, though it’s finish now. Thank God. Now, I can re-write this paper. Fighting!

Like last year I don’t want to make any list for my resolutions for this year. I made it before like in this post, but look what I got, nothing. I could not accomplished any of it. Since that, I stop to make the list of resolutions and just do whatever good to be true. Last year 2013 perhaps is the year with many colors in my life since I came here to Korea. As a student sometimes, I stuck with the everyday routine even on the weekend and holidays. Stay in the lab, do the research thingy, sleep, and spend the time at my small cubical room. But last year I think, I have variety of activities. Thanks to many friends in Church especially Indonesian friend, spending time with them after the service had made my weekend not so lame and plain. Those laughter and sharing time are precious for me. Hope to have it again in this year. Though, unlikely so, since many of us become busier than before.

Became addicted to since played together with Indonesian friend from Church.

Became addicted to since played together with Indonesian friend from Church.

Another color that happened last year, I guess trip to Japan. After almost 5 times of Chuseok always stay in Seoul, finally I could go out of Seoul for the first time since came to Korea. Memorable, hectic, almost gave up on visa application, almost stuck in immigration out of Korea, but end up with a 5 days unforgettable trip. Osaka – Kyoto – Tokyo were covered. Yeay!! Make me want to go again to Japan especially Osaka and Kyoto. But I need to go to Europe first before making trip again to Japan. Finland, wait for me! hahaha.

Metro line ticket in Tokyo

Metro line ticket in Tokyo

Back to Korea from Japan, I actually had to prepare trip to India for Conference in Unmanned Vehicle area. Though my paper is not related to unmanned vehicle, but it accepted anyway. So I went there, presented the paper, had trip to Agra, Taj-Mahal, -the famous palace which I only knew back then from books since elementary school-. Not bad for India trip I guess. Since India most likely like Indonesia in terms weather, I did not expect to much from the trip. But it turned out to be okay I think. By the way, I was really not into this conference since it’s not related to my research field, and it’s in India. So, while preparing it, I kind of making fun of it and not prepared the paper well. Long story short, Prof scolded me and I had to make the paper looks good. 🙂

Taj Mahal Palace

Taj Mahal Palace

I think, that would sum up the colors of my life last year. Of course I had this research experiment in the towing tank almost every week for three months, but it will be to boring to share it here again and again. This study have to finish this semester. Write two papers, submit, thesis, and then graduate. Amin!!

Oh yeah, I finally get my guitar, bought it second hand but I think it’s quite good and no regret. Other thing that comes this new year is smartphone!!! hahaha. I finally decided to buy smartphone, though my last phone still available. After gave it some thoughts, decided to have smartphone and hope I will use it wisely.

Hmmm… So that’s it for this post. See you again.

It’s me

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Last Day 2013

2014 is on the corner of the day, 2013 is nearly finished.
Another year passed, another year comes. Don’t know exactly what to do, but surely, I have to survive! hahaha..

Goodbye 2013!

It’s been a different year than any other years in Korea. High and low, I have made it through. Thank you!

Welcome 2014!

I expect more from you. Let’s do it together!!


Happy New Year 2014!!

It’s me

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Lab Meeting Day

Hola my friend,

Just like the other day of lab meeting day, one day before, I usually stay late just to prepare what to present the day after. So here I am, right now, writing this post and leaving my presentation slide for tomorrow. Lab meeting day is a meeting where all of the students of our lab have to present something in front of Prof and others students what he/she has done in a whole week. For your information, I have done nothing this week. Especially related to the paper I want to submit to the journal. I’ve done nothing!!! I should have done with the data analysis, or at least done with the abstract and introduction for the paper. However, nothing is done!!! what a lazy PhD candidate I am.

Seriously, I don’t know the purpose of this post, maybe I just want to write something but nothing is correct now in this head. So if you find this post unstructured, yeah you got it. Deal with it. hahaha…

Okay, let’s back to the beginning. Where was I? ah still in Lab meeting problem. Okay. This week my plan was to finish ordering motor driver for experiment, visa application for conference, and extend my alien card. I only finish one, the third one will be done tomorrow, and the first one just not getting it right. You know, sometimes you feel the frustration of being a foreigner in the lab, when you want to buy something for your reset and you have to rely on your Korean friend to do it. It’s just okay if your lab mates are not busy, but if they do? You just waste your time on doing it. But my problem actually because of the company that we want to buy their product always delay the information reply, so we have to wait and ask again through phone. Such a wasting time this week. Finally today, we received the information of the product and will order it tomorrow.

So, back to lab meeting. I don’t have anything to report tomorrow. Maybe I will just runaway tomorrow with the visa and alien card extension. hahaha..

Deal with it!!! *ntah apa-apa*

See you my friend.


It’s me

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Playing with words

Hello Friends,

It’s me again!

This time I want to share something unusual that happened on my facebook status. Not recently, but not to long ago. It began when I posted two line of sentences on my status page. Then, my friend added another line as a continuation of my first line and second line. It goes on and on, line after line and then it became some paragraphs that replied each other.  It’s in Indonesian language but I bet you will understand it. hahaha..
I actually give it the title “Bersamamu tanpa kata” which is means “Together with you without words”. As an implication of situatin that I was having at that time I guess.


Bersamamu tanpa kata seakan dunia tanpa masa
Walau hati bergelut rasa mencari kata namun tiada

Angin telah membawa kata dalam kantung malam.
Bersama bulan yang menggantung anggun menghias langit, lagi, kau dan aku menatap kosong [masih] tanpa kata.
Namun hati dan tatap mampu mengejewantahkan rasa yang tak ter-eja dalam KATA

Kutatap bintang malam dalam keangkuhannya yang lama, kusapu gelap di antaranya seakan aku mampu berucap.
Lagi kau dan aku menatap kosong [masih] tanpa kata. Namun bisu ini akan mengungkap cerita yang tak akan hilang oleh kata

Sayup perlahan ku tarik pandang dari bulan yang [masih] menggantung anggun menghias semesta.
Ku sematkan sebentuk harap di ujung pintu hati yang kian renta.
Meski tatap berpaut tanpa kata, namun hati sibuk menenun kisah lewat untai benang malam dengan simpul cinta SANG PEMILIK MALAM

Kusambut angin sepoi malam dalam ribaan tanpa kata, lembut dia pun mengayun mengantar hati dan jiwa ke negeri jauh angan meraja.
Jauh, jauh, ke negeri dimana hati berteriak mengungkap kisah yang telah terjalin mesra dan jiwa bernyanyi mengiring mentari senja.
Kembali aku menatap putri tanpa kata, menyiratkan seuntai asa tuk dibawa ke negeri CINTA dan HARAP

Angin mengantarku bertemu CINTA, juga HARAP yang menyambutku dengan senyum tersungging merias wajah.
Berjalan dan mengitari taman hati seorang Jaka, dalam remang purnama.
Meski rindu menggelayuti mata hingga terkatup, dalam gelap jelas kulihat raut tampan yang sedari tadi menatap dalam tak berucap kata.
[Masih] tanpa kata, kau dan aku, ‘kita’ berpeluh rindu dalam selimut malam

Kuhapus peluh rindu yang menghias malam antara kau dan aku, lalu kusibakkan gelayut selimut malam tuk ganti rayuan pagi sang mentari.
[Masih] tanpa kata, kau dan aku. ‘kita’ bergandeng tangan merapat jari, menggenggam CINTA dan HARAP meniti hari, meraih mimpi.

Mentari sibuk mencumbu langit di singgasana.
Di bawah nya, meski [masih] tanpa kata, jari-jari kita berpagut, langkah kita merajut.
Mari, mari, kita menari memainkan simfoni hari di atas panggung mimpi.
Hingga nanti, saat mimpi dalam genggaman dan terangkatnya jiwa kita.

Awan pergi dan tak lagi menghias langit, seakan cemburu akan mentari yang mencumbu langit di atasnya, pun di bawahnya aku dan kau dalam kemesraan [masih] tanpa kata.
Mari, sekali lagi, mari lenggakkan langkah ikut irama simfoni hidup, berlari mengejar indah masa dimana mimpi telah jadi nyata.
Tuk kemudian tersenyum bahagia menatap langit [lagi] tanpa kata

Mengacuhkan arakan awan yang melamat di ujung semesta. Kita terus merajut langkah dalam kemesraan romansa merah jambu yang ditiupkan TUHAN.
Kau dan aku, ‘kita’ [masih] mengukir jejak menjemput mimpi di depan cahaya kotak berukuran 22 inchi.
Aku janji padamu, esok atau lusa kita bertemu di sini, di bawah payung cakrawala dengan membawa rajut mimpi yang telah terbungkus elok dalam kantung hati.
Tunggu sebentar, aku hendak membantu bulan bersolek, agar tampak molek di langit malam ‘kita’ nanti.
[Masih] tanpa kata, simpul senyum memagut hati menjelma cinta.

Tersadar aku tentang banyaknya saksi bisu akan kehadiran diam kita [masih] tanpa kata.
Tentang langit dengan bulan yang dirindu, juga mentari yang yang dinanti, pun bintang yang gemilang, serta awan yang menawan tak mau ketinggalan.
Semua telah menjadi saksi bisu kemesraan ini. Tapi aku tahu juga pun kau tahu, kalau ada SATU yang tak akan tinggal diam.
DIA akan selalu berbicara, padamu juga padaku, dalam hening, pun dalam riuh rendah setiap suasana ‘kita’.
Bahkan saat diam kita [masih] tanpa kata, DIA juga berbicara kepadamu juga kepadaku dalam bahasa CINTA tak terbatas.
Mari, seperti sebelumnya, dan juga seterusnya, [diam] tanpa kata, untuk mendengar DIA bicara tentang CINTA.

Cepat-cepat kubuka kelambu senja.
Kubiarkan tubuhku jatuh dari bantalan awan hingga membentur lapisan terbawah awan putih.
Sakit, tapi kusadar kerumunan langit, bulan, bintang dan mentari tengah menatapku penuh cemburu akan kemesraan ‘kita’ yang tercipta [masih] tanpa kata.
Rapat-rapat, kurapatkan tubuhku di sisi mu.
Aku takut, takut DIA berpetuah CINTA yang harus DIPENGGAL oleh tajam nya kapak budaya dan logika.
Takut, aku takut menyelami samudra hati yang kian menawan di pelupuk.
[Masih] tanpa kata, diam-diam ku kecup senja merah jambu tepat di atas dahi mu dan beranjak lalu.
[Masih] tanpa kata yang tak pernah ter-eja, meski hati berpagut kuat, meski langkah terajut elok, lirih kudengar CINTA tak seharusnya hadir di sini.

Sejenak aku tersenyum melihatmu pergi lalu, hangat kecupanmu perlahan hilang. Kututup senja kunaikkan dian tuk terangi malam.
Kembali aku ke peraduan malamku.
Kata yang tar-eja itu, CINTA dan juga HARAP akan terbang tinggi di langit malam ke negeri angan permainan KATA.
Sampai jumpa lagi, kuharap lain waktu kita bertemu lagi bukan [lagi] tanpa kata.


Sometimes, I am amazed how the words come out easily from the brain and how easy it to play with them. On the other hand, we are struggling even to say a word of love.

What a life we have in the world that is unknown.

For the record, my friend whom I’m commenting each other is a girl, otherwise it would be awkward. 🙂

That’s all folks.

It’s me.

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What if

Awalnya tak diajak, karena dia pikir ane cuma bisa buat puisi. hahaa…
Ini dia ikutan Sali.


Katanya namanya bermain game What If?


Orang berkata kalo gue….

Orang yang serius

Kalo dapet 1 milyar gue pasti..

Wah, kalo 1 milyar sih, yang jelas perpuluhan harusnya iya. Trus setengah sisanya, kasi ke orangtua dan keluarga, SMA gue, Pelayanan gue pas kuliah. (keren banget ya gue. haha)

setengahnya lagi gue beli kapal layar, trus berlayar keliling dunia. 🙂

Klo kejebak macet gue… 

Kalo di dalam mobil, ya mainin apa yang ada, baca buku, liat hape butut gue. oh ya, ane kan belum bisa nyetir. hahaa..

Indonesia adalah negara yang…

Negara yang kaya dan indah alamnya, kayaknya ya, tak ada negara seindah Indonesia. Hanya saja, kita-kita ini tak bisa menjaganya tetap indah. 😦

Mantan gue…

Udah pada nikah. hahaha..

Klo berada di depan kuburan M.J…

Wah, ane sih bukan fan M.J. jadi paling juga foto-foto habis itu udah. hahaha.. *ga keren banget dah*

Hidup ini penuh dengan…

Misteri, hahaha.. that’s why life is interesting, you don’t know what will come next. You can predict but you can’t decide next. 😛

Tak ada tempat yang indah selain…

Depan asrama ane pas SMA, duduk di bawah langit malam hari menikmati beribu bintang di langit.

Ke mana pun gue pergi, pasti bawa…

sepertinya sih dompet. 🙂

Kalo divonis kanker… 

hmm.. kayaknya bakal terdiam, trus jalani pengobatan, plus melakukan hal yang belum pernah ane lakukan. hehe..

Pagi-pagi enaknya makan…

Bubur buatan emak gue, uda lama bener, hehe..

Pekerjaan yang paling membosankan di dunia adalah… 

Menunggu, apalagi kalo co yang ditunggu. hahahaa..
Kalo ce, ada sedikit toleransi lah. hihihi…

Hal yang paling mengerikan di dunia adalah… 

Hidup sendiri. *maksudnya yang lain pada modar. 🙂

Bencana alam itu…

ya, fenomena alam, bisa diantisipasi, kadang tak terelakkan.

Waktu SMA gue dikenal sebagai…

si Popeye, nama plonco ane pas ospek. nyanyi lagu popeye ampe ilang gitu suaranya. hahaa..

Saat yang paling tenang, saat… 

duduk di tepi danau, angin sepoi-sepoi, duduk di samping orang terkasih. 😀

Paling males kalo ngelihat…

Kalo orang yang merokok buang puntung rokok sembarangan. Mereka itu ya, udalah merokok, ya bolehlah patuhi aturan buang sampah. hehe..

Kalo orang ciuman didepan gue… 

wah ini uda biasa, apalagi di sini. hehehe..
paling juga diliatin trus berlalu begitu saja.
kalo bareng teman, ya sambil liat trus saling bilang. haha..

Gue pengen banget… 

punya kantong nya doraemon, secara ya, di situ ada semua, mau pintu kemana saja, baling-baling bambu, dan sebagainya. *bahasa ku lah. *

Wanita2 cantik dan seksi di depan gw sambil ketawa2 keras2, dalem pikiran gue… 

pasti bilang dalam hati: ” bagak ho ito, alai ima…”

Pria dengan jeans robek-robek, baju hitam gambar tengkorak, ngerokok, nongkrong depan circle-K, dalem pikiran gue… 

biasanya lewat aja, kalo kata pepatah: ” muka boleh rambo, atau tampilan boleh rocker, tapi biasanya hatinya Rhoma, alias penyanyi dangdut juga” hahaa..

Orang yang sok imut dan sok childish… 

kalo dulu sih paling bilang: ‘tch! plis donk ah”. kalo sekarang uda biasa liat, ya sudah lah. oke. oke. 🙂

Lagi jalan, ada yang lewat pake motor bilang “fuck you” 

beuh, kalo di kampung sih, paling dilempar batu. haha..
kalo di sini sih, ya anggap aja mereka tak tau artinya. *dualisme beneran ini* haha.

Mama papa bilang kapan nikah? 

hahahaha, jawabnya biasanya: “tenang ma hamu songon tenanghon” yang artinya, kalian tenang aja lah, ane aja masih tenang. hehehe..

Afgan dateng kerumah…

Sori gan, rumahnya yang sebelah ya, ane tak terima pengamen. 🙂

Kalo tengah malem ditelepon pacar… 

beuh, ada apa neng? nda bisa tidur ya? *belagak punya pacar aja dah*

Kalo besok kiamat… 

Minta pintu kemana sajanya Doraemon, trus pergi ke Liverpool, tendang bola di Anfield Stadion, trus ke Finlandia, menikmati panorama bagus sebelum kiamat. 🙂


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A post when I should have been busy

I know I have to do my programming study, but let me post this blog of mine in The KOPITES blog.
Yes, I am a fan of this big club, please accept me as I am. *lebay*

As people had put their opinion on starting line up, I would like to do the same with some comments to make it more realistic. Hope you enjoy.

This is how I put our starting line up.


Johnson      Agger      Skrtel       Enrique

Allen                   Lucas


Coutinho              Suarez



Recently, actually I don’t like Reina, but we don’t have any option since Jones doesn’t any better and Gulacsi still in progress. So, he is our only option, hopefully he can get his performance soon.

Johnson, Agger, Sktel, and Enrique, can think any better formation than this. Though Skrtel is still doing his fool defending sometimes, but he can do better if needed. Hopefully, Enrique will always available, since we don’t have much option for left back, he is the only one capable for that, Robinson should learn much more from him. Johnson and Agger are doing great up to now. If nothing happenned, they will always on the line up. Carragher is still great, but considering his age, we know what he got. Coates still has to learn so much from Agger and I think he must strengthen his body, because he is not though enough. Last match with Oldham shows it all. Kelly will always behind Johnson if he is fit enough, Wisdom as well. I bet Wisdom will be our best in 2 years or so.

For midfielder, I still prefer Allen than Henderson, because of his passing skill, agility, and control skill. I realize that he is not in his form recently, but regarding to what he could do, I bet he is working on it everyday. So how about Henderson? For some reason, I prefer him as a Attacking Midfielder, of course if Gerrard is not available. Seeing what he could do in the last match against Arsenal, he is better that way. And Lucas was one of the best we have last year, but due to his injury had made him slowing down recently, he is not as though as he was. He must back to his form so we can trust him all midfield area. With two of them are pushing the ball forward, I put Gerrard as connector between midfield and forwards. We know how much he can do on the pitch. Accurate passing, long and short, super ability to read the game, long strike, and good defense if needed. A perfect player in midfield.

We can let Henderson and Shelvey take his job but they need to learn more from him. Besides, they are still young and has time to improve themselves.

For forward, I want to make it a little bit up for Sturridge because I could see that he is kind a goal ‘getter’ in front of the goal. As we have seen with his two first match. However, he needs to be concern about finishing chances, because hat’s what we need.
We have seen he worked with Suarez, and they are a good pair in front. We are lucky to have Suarez in front or a bit wing move right or left. With the new comer Coutinho, I think we can have a good dance in front ‘south american’ style. Both with good dribble and pace are what we need in front to seize the goal.
We can let Sterling and Downing as a back up player for three of them, and do what they can do. Not to tell that Sterling has a big impact but his lack of determination and passing sometimes make him not filling the hole. As well as for Downing, he had much improved since last year. On top form he will be on the line to fill Coutinho, but if not, I will always put Coutinho.

I know we are put a big hope for the new comer Coutinho as well as I. But, let’s give him time to adapt, I bet he will be a star with his number 10. Let’s forget for a moment our number 9. Or perhaps our number 9 has long gone.

It’s my piece of Rupiah! 😉


It’s me!

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Buck up!

Hola my friend. Happy New Year 2013!
A late greetings for you in this new year! (^__^)
Hope you have a pleasant new year and a bright start. Wish you a very good year ahead and a complete life in love.

As for me, I started this year with nothing special, same as last year, I’ve been avoided to make some lists or resolutions of things that I would like to have and to do.
As from experiences I failed and I am afraid do the same mistakes again. People were exciting to start their resolutions, yet I found myself empty.
Now, 2 weeks has passed. At one point I realized, time flies so fast and I need to buck up myself.

On the first day of new year, as I say greetings to my family, first question that came up is “Will it be this year?” I said “No, perhaps it’s next year”.
For some reasons I want to believe that I will do good this year, do different things from the past, and get something accomplished.
But the fact I’ve been avoided to make any resolutions would have made it unreachable.

I’ve been thinking lately about the state where I am now. It seems I have no big dream anymore. I have lost path on my way to the future where I was dreamed. Not to mention, my heart has lost its owner perhaps. As I live my life up to now, trying to analyze it part by part, little by little I understand things.
It once said “There are things in life that will not change though you are there to make change”. It’s not saying that you do bad or good but life is a mystery to all kind.

Lately, my thought has been consumed by this world and its happiness. My hands wanted to grab what I supposed to get but I could not.
My heart has rotten its pureness and is losing its light.
What else could be worse? Years you’ve seen it, but you could do nothing to fix it or you have nothing to say unless in your thought.

Perhaps this would be the cloudiest story I had.
Stay fresh my friend, be healthy and be happy for your life!

It’s Me!

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